Judgement is the twentieth card of the Major Arcana.
This card represents that a particular phase of your life is about to end. It can mean leaving a job that you have been in for sometime, and moving on to pastures new. It is time to reflect and sum up what has gone before. This card can also mean retirement.
It also signifies a sense of achievement for a job well done. You can sit back and assess with satisfaction that you have done your duty to the best of your ability. It brings about an inner vision, a clarity that would suggest past setbacks have brought about changes for the better. It also brings relief, relaxation and a state of trust. This card is all about renewal, regeneration, resolve and evaluation.
This card in a relationship situation represents a point at which you have to re-evaluate your relationship. What might have appeared as a failure might now be seen as a successful and fulfilling relationship and that past actions are accepted as a way for changing the situation for the better.
The key word for this card is RENEWAL.
Tarot Card Readings - The Meaning of the Judgement Tarot Card
The Hermit is the ninth card of the Major Arcana
This card represents the need to withdraw from a situation in order to think clearly and concisely and to reassess your life, values and yourself. It is a time for contemplation on a large scale or maybe time to recover after a period of hard work.
This card also represents an older person who has acquired wisdom and knowledge or an isolated and rather solitary person. Seeking advice from this older person could be beneficial.
It could also be a time in your life when you are on your own and would suggest that you need your own space for a while. A time for reflection if you are in a steady relationship. Perhaps you want your independence and you are not ready to settle down yet.
The Hermit card deals with situations where thought, patience and lucidity have to be practiced.
The ninth card of the Major Arcana represents wisdom, perceptiveness, awareness and solitude.
The key word for this card is Quest.
Tarot Card Readings - The Meaning of The Hermit Tarot Card
Horoscope 2008, Tarot Cards, Russell Grant, Astrology, Tarot, Horoscopes 2008, Astrologer, Onlien Horoscope, Scorpio, Cancer, Leo, Capricorn, Gemini, Taurus, Horoscopes, Astrology, Russel Grant, Personal Readings, I Ching, Body & Spirit, Psychic, Horoscopes, Astrology Holidays, Capricorn Horoscopes, Daily Horoscopes